• Genderless Uniforms Featured in a Supplementary Teaching Aid Used for High School Home Economics Classes
    The staff uniforms used at mesm Tokyo, Autograph Collection have been included as examples of genderless fashion within a supplementary teaching aid used for high school home economics classes since April 2024.

  • SDGs at The Tokyo Station Hotel
    Initiatives to Realize a Sustainable World

    The Tokyo Station Hotel is actively taking on challenges and taking action to realize a sustainable world.

  • We are gradually replacing toothbrushes in guest rooms with environmentally friendly products
    In response to The Plastic Resource Circulation Act which came into effect in April 2022, we are gradually replacing toothbrushes in guest rooms with products made from environment-friendly plant-based biomass.

  • “mottECO Promotion Consortium” wins the 2023 Minister of Environment Award for promoting the reduction of food waste
    The “Project for the introduction and promotion of mottECO through cooperation with local governments and businesses,” a food waste reduction initiative jointly promoted by NIPPON HOTEL Co., Ltd., and seven other organizations, received the Minister of Environment Award.

  • Linen reuse cards switched to wood made from cedar of Miyazaki Prefecture origin
    At Hotel Metropolitan Kawasaki, we have switched from plastic linen reuse cards to wooden ones, which are used to confirm the intention of guests staying for consecutive nights.

  • Banana paper used for presentation menu paper
    Hotel Metropolitan Kawasaki’s “Terrace and Table” uses banana paper, a fair trade product, for presentation menu paper.

  • “mottECO FESTA 2023,” event aimed at reducing food waste held
    An event aimed at reducing food loss was held at Hotel Metropolitan Edmont Tokyo, organized by the mottECO Promotion Consortium 2023, in which NIPPON HOTEL Co., Ltd., participated.

  • Japan-Taiwan Friendship "BReducing food waste through effective use of non-standard vegetables, unused fish and local ingredients
    Hotel Metropolitan Takasaki offers items for banquet menus and in-house events that utilize “unused fish,” those unsuitable for the market despite being caught due to low demand.

  • Japan-Taiwan Friendship "Blood Donation Charity Event"
    Hotel Metropolitan Premier Taipei held a blood donation event on July 25th, aiming to establish close connections with the community and contribute to society.

  • Introduced "CO2 Zero STAY" in all rooms, allowing guests to participate in sustainable activities during their stay.
    From June 1, 2023, Tokyo Station Hotel will apply the "CO2 Zero STAY" program to all rooms booked through the official website, virtually eliminating CO2 emissions during your stay.

  • Contributing to local communities through railway-related measures
    Since 2022 marks the 150th anniversary of the start of railways in Japan, we have implemented a number of railway-related measures in collaboration with JR East stations and other companies.

  • Collaboration with local governments and other companies to promote local food products
    In addition to allowing customers to enjoy foods and ingredients that are not usually available in the market, this initiative aims to revitalize local communities by expanding sales channels for local foods and promoting industry and the economy.

  • Lecture on Meals & Table Manners & SDGs
    At Hotel Metropolitan Edmont, we offer a place where you can become familiar with sustainable ingredients and open the door to new ideas in your daily life.

  • Participation in “Tokyo Ekimachi Operation Kirapika”
    The general manager and other staff from Tokyo Station Hotel and Hotel Metropolitan Marunouchi are also participating in the project to create a beautiful city and station.

  • A Certificate of Excellence in Lifesaving Training
    The Tokyo Fire Department has issued a Certificate of Excellence in Lifesaving Training to us for our active efforts to promote first aid treatment in emergency situations such as illness and injury before an ambulance arrives.

  • Recycling used soap to improve the sanitary environment
    The Tokyo Station Hotel is participating in the Clean the World® program, which collects and recycles used soap from guest rooms.

  • Received the Chairman’s Award of the Judging Committee for the Food Loss Reduction Promotion Award
    Awarded by the Ministry of the Environment and the Consumer Affairs Agency at the National Conference on Reducing Food Loss held on Sunday, October 30, 2022.

  • Interviews with staff who balance childcare and work
    We talked with hotel and department staff who have experienced balancing work and childcare about the understanding of the people around them and the company system.

  • Introducing “mottECO” to take leftovers home
    As part of its efforts to reduce food loss, Nippon Hotel Co., Ltd. has been implementing the “mottECO” initiative at nine hotels since April 1, 2022.

  • Holding fairs and events using local ingredients
    Aizuwakamatsu City’s related parties, who have long built a cooperative relationship with the hotel through food fairs and events, spoke with us about their efforts to revitalize local industry.

Sustainability Initiatives

JR-EAST HOTELS aims to be “a company that is friendly to the local and global environment” by responding to environmental problems and conducting community and social contribution activities. The JR East Group as a whole is working to resolve social issues through its business, and to develop local communities and achieve the international goal of “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” As a hotel management company with a wide range of hotel brands, our company believes that making every contribution to realizing a sustainable future is necessary.
In recent years, consumer interest in sustainability initiatives has increased, and they are increasingly important as an indicator of the choice of hotels. Our company has long worked to reduce energy consumption, plastic consumption, and food loss, and from now, we will contribute to our customers, local communities, and the international community by further strengthening our sustainability initiatives. As a member of the JR East Group, which is highly public, and as a hotel operator with a large number of customers, we will work diligently to achieve the SDGs, which are common worldwide issues, as a “hotel chain that actively engages in sustainability initiatives.”

Efforts to Achieve SDGs

The 1st SDGs Promotion Meeting was held on September 28, 2021, and the SDGs Promotion Committee was established to promote efforts to achieve the international goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which aim to realize a better and sustainable world by 2030. The SDGs Promotion Committee is chaired by the CEO and is composed of general managers of each department at the head office and general managers of each hotel.

The SDGs Promotion Committee has subcommittees for each important SDGs related to hotel management. Specifically, there are five subcommittees: (1) the Environmental Subcommittee, (2) the Food Subcommittee, (3) the Safety and Security Subcommittee, (4) the D&I (*) Subcommittee, and (5) the Community Revitalization Subcommittee. At the subcommittee meetings, personnel from the head office and each hotel work together in various activities to resolve issues. At each quarterly SDGs Promotion Meeting, the progress of the activities of each subcommittee is shared and issues are discussed on a holistic basis to steadily achieve the SDGs.
Please refer to the following pages for details of the activities of each subcommittee.

  • Environmental Activities Initiatives

  • Measures against Food Loss

  • Measures towards Safety and Security

  • Diversity Initiatives

  • Initiatives for Contributing to Local Communities and Society

  • JR-EAST HOTELS Website

Environmental Activities Initiatives

To date, our company has been working to reduce energy consumption by switching to LEDs, converting equipment to inverters, and using BEMS to improve operations. We have also been working to save water by using recycled water, water-saving faucets, and water-saving showerheads, to reduce waste by enabling the methanation recycling of kitchen waste, and to reduce one-way plastics by using biomass products.
In addition to our efforts to date, we are working to realize a decarbonized society and a resource-recycling society through various environmental impact reduction activities.

Main Initiatives
• Introduction of Amenity Stations
• Adoption of pump-type refillable bottles for guest room toiletries
• Discontinue use of plastic straws, adoption of alternatives
• Replacement of plastic shopping bags at directly operated bakery stores with 30% biomass plastic shopping bags
• Plastic cups for ice makers are replaced with paper cups
• Eight products using specified plastics have been replaced with alternative materials or discontinued
• Changed food waste treatment to methanation recycling
• Efforts to save and reuse water
• Introduction of BEMS
• Promoting the use of LEDs
• Adoption of JR’s own electric power
• Efforts to realize a decarbonized society
• Efforts to realize a resource-recycling society

Measures against Food Loss

In 2018, we launched the “Food Loss Reduction Project” within the company. In a series of processes from the procurement of foodstuffs to the provision of food, we identified the places where food loss occurred, examined solutions, and verified the effects of the reduction by measuring kitchen waste, implemented the “3010 Campaign” to reduce leftovers at banquets, developed the “Mottainai Menu” to make full use of foodstuffs, and introduced “mottECO” to take leftovers home in April 2022, thereby promoting the reduction of food loss and solving social issues related to food.

Main Initiatives
• Development and deployment of the “Mottainai Menu” to reduce food loss
• Promotion of the 3010 Campaign and implementation of the food loss reduction cycle
• Seminar on SDGs for junior high and high school students
• Introduction of “mottECO” to take leftover food home

Measures towards Safety and Security

In order to ensure that our customers can use our facilities with peace of mind, we are working to strengthen our response capabilities in the event of emergencies such as disasters and incidents, as well as fire prevention and sanitary measures. Moreover, we also aim to make our hotel more accessible to all guests, including physically challenged guests and visitors from overseas. Furthermore, we are working to strengthen and enforce compliance through training and study sessions.

Main Initiatives
• Strengthening the ability to respond to disasters, incidents, and other emergencies
• Realization of hotels that can be selected by a wide range of customers with peace of mind
• Strengthening compliance

Initiatives towards Diversity

At Nippon Hotel, we are promoting measures aimed at creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace so that each employee can cooperate with each other and demonstrate their abilities.
We are actively working on diversity, such as a system that supports balancing childcare/nursing care and work and the active participation of women, the promotion of employment of people with disabilities and strengthening of support systems, the employment of foreign national staff, promoting the continuing employment of veteran staff, and so on.
In addition, we will implement measures to manage and promote the health of our employees, and create a work environment where everyone can work in their own way with peace of mind.

Main Initiatives
• Realization of comfortable workplaces for women, and childcare and nursing care support
• Consideration of diversity
• Promotion of health management

Initiatives for Contributing to Local Communities and Society

By combining the strengths of the JR East Group in the real world and the digital world, we aim to enhance the attractiveness and the revitalization of local communities through people-oriented thinking in line with changes in lifestyles and work styles.
In addition, through participation in local activities and in cooperation with local governments and other companies, we hold fairs and events using local ingredients every year to disseminate information as a base for local tourism and to revitalize the region.

Main Initiatives
• Holding fairs and events using local ingredients
• Participation in various community